
Tackle and Gear Steffen Juhl Tackle and Gear Steffen Juhl

Less but better

My fishing gear reflex my devotion to the nature and the game.
I will always prefer Craftsmanship and not technology. Manmade and not mass produced stuff. I prefer Fishing gear with character and attitude and not last year model.
I appreciate a fly reel that show my appreciation of the tradition and beauty – I appreciate a fly reel I can grow with and I can use for the rest of my life
I’m not looking for the lightest and sexiest reel, or the cheapest or most expensive reel – I’m looking for the best made and not a mass produced product.
Not long ago much, of what we owned, was alive with the skill and idealism of who made our tackle.
If we retain our belongings well they will over time grow in value and rich our life when we are using them.
In a very short period of time, everything we own begins to fall apart the moment it comes out of the box – “buy it use it, and buried it in the ground”.
It looks like we are about to forget that we are anglers and environmentalist

Buy less – Choose well – Make it last!

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Tackle and Gear Tackle and Gear

Why not “Switch” rod next season!

What if you could have the best of both worlds? What if you were fishing light and fine but you had the length and power of a Spey rod? What if you could cast a big juicy Salmon or Steelhead fly eighty feet without any fuss, and still had a feeling that your where fishing a single handled rod

There’s been a lot of talk in the past couple of years about switch rods – lightweight double-handed rods in the 11 1/2 to 12 foot range that are designed for both two-handed and overhead casting. To be honest, the switch rod thing seemed some years back to be a little gimmicky, but today it has become an awesome and very serious weapon in many Spey Warriors “weapon arsenal” 

  • Switch rods are really fun. Most switch rods live in the 6 to 8 weight world, and small rods mean little physical effort. Add lightweight to a multitude of different Spey-oriented and overhead casts, and you get lots of variety and lots of fun – Here is some of the reasons

  • Switch rods are effective for more than swinging. The classic sunken swung fly presentation works great with a switch rod. Switch rods are great tools for fishing Dry flies and hitch patterns on floating lines. The extra length of a switch rod means incredible line control, whether slowing down a swing, steering that flesh fly into and out of a snag, or skittering that hopper all over the surface of the bucket.

  • You can fish small water with switch rods. You already know that we think spey casting is fun, but full-on spey outfits, even in light weights, are just too long for small rivers, side channels and small tributaries

  • If you have back and shoulder problems when casting your big Stick try a Switch rod – It is far effortless fishing a Switch rod and you will discover that you will get more fishing hours without muscle and shoulder pain

  • You can handle big Salmon and Steelies as easy as with any big Spey rod – by putting side pressure into the fish

  • Switch rods will make you a better spey caster, because you can do it more. Great, you fish a spey rod for a week in June on Grand Varzuga and then for a week in September on the Umba. What about the rest of the year? If you live near decent-sized trout water, you can fish a switch rod for a lot of the year. Making those spey casts year-round will make you a lot better at it.

Switch rods will make you a better spey caster, because these little rods are unforgiving. There’s no two ways about this one – it’s a lot easier to spey cast a big long stick for a 9 weight than it is to cast an 11 foot for a 6 weight. You don’t want to learn spey casting on a switch rod. So why in heck is this a good thing? Mistakes can be overcome with those big, long traditional spey rods. If you’re fishing a lightweight switch rod and you pull your anchor, or leave too much line on the water, or try to over-power a cast, or commit any one of a number of other spey casting sins, the cast just won’t work. Yes, it’s hard at first, but fishing light, switch rods will definitely make you a far better spey caster, because you pay for your mistakes.Switch rods add a lot of charm back into the Spey world dominated by big rods – Today I´m using Switch rods during the entire season. So why not “Switch” next season – I guarantee you will get a tons of fun out there

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